(One day I'll think of more creative titles for these...)
After spending several days in Florence, we headed to my host aunt's country house outside of Pisa, about an hour from Florence. The first thing my host sister and I were ordered to do (actually, they demanded that we do this immediately, it couldn't wait), was decorate the tree. I was super excited because it was a real tree, so the first thing I did was stick my face between the branches and breathe in. (Because I'm clearly a weirdo.)

Me decorating the tree.

The next day we went into the nearby town to get the last of our Christmas gifts. We were definitely cutting it close here, as by this time it's Christmas Eve. I had decided to make Nanaimo Bars as a gift to my family, so attempted to find the ingredients. I got most of the right stuff, except for graham crumbs, and custard powder (both of which were in the package my mom sent me that got to Florence two days too late). That afternoon I got some photos of the house and went for a walk, though it was raining, and I missed my hiking boots.


Living Room

Room Olimpia (host sister) and I shared. The blankets had a tendency to slide to one side. Plus for some reason the duvet is approximately one foot too short. Good thing there was at least three other blankets.

View from my bedroom window

House I was staying at.
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