Monday, May 30, 2011

A Trip to the Centre, step by step

1. Decide you haven't spent enough time downtown, put sunscreen on, grab sunglasses, fill up water bottle, and put guide book in purse. 
2. Tell family that you're leaving, walk to the bus stop, wait five minutes, hop on bus, reflect in the glory that is public transportation
3. Arrive downtown, window shop for a bit, realise you can't afford new clothes, end up at an Indian shop, buy purse
4. Back on the street, look at the obvious tourists, then hastily stuff your guide book back into your purse, feel superior
5. Get to one of the places you've been meaning to go to for months, realise it's closed
6. Continue along the street, before meeting a parked police car and a bunch of tape blocking the way, ask why the street is closed, there's a protest, you're unsurprised
7. Wander around, taking in all the the glory that is the back alleys of Palermo, checking out gorgeous churches, intricate streets
8. Take a swig of water, patting yourself on the back for bringing it
9. Put water bottle back in purse, ignoring your aching shoulder
10. Decide that the map in your guide book sorta sucks, and go to an info point for another, the woman hands you one that is Italian-German?
11. Laugh cause you understand Italian 
12. Try to read German part, get confused
13. Wander around some more, realise that there are a lot of Americans there as well, notice that they are all young, with buzz cuts, and bulky, and realise that they're from the military
14. Laugh at how American they seem
15. Look at the clothing you're wearing and realise how American you seem
16. Decide to buy a tshirt, while trying it on you notice that the sunscreen you put on in an attempt to keep from burning your face off has left a lovely white film all over your face
17. Ignore street vendors that call out to you in English
18. Decide it's high time for a coffee and washroom break, wander around until you find a bar free of Americans
19. Continue wandering around, deciding that you feel slightly peckish, and stop for a gelato
20. Laugh with bar owners about the invasion of Americans
21. Hot sun + gelato = drippy, melty mess, eat quickly
22. Feel really stupid for having gelato all over your leg, wash it off
23. Get back to the bus stop, wait five minutes, then hop on the bus, bask in the glory of public transport
24. Arrive at home

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