Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Vending Machine: 3, Michelle: 2

I mention to my friend that I'm going to get a coffee, and he decides to accompany me (probably for amusement purposes). I throw in my money, reset the sugar to zero, hit "espresso", then grab the cup as soon as I see it. "What are you doing?", my friend asks, "You're supposed to wait until the coffee has been made." He's looking at me like I don't know what I'm doing. Ha. I'll show him. The machine, however, decides against giving me sugar today (I mentioned that this thing is tempermental, right?). With embarrassment I mumble something about, "well, last time..." My friend gives me another strange look (like I said, they keep me around for entertainment purposes, I'm sure). (Just kidding, my classmates are awesome)
We tied this one.


  1. Michelle that is not a tie. The vending maching clearly won. Sorry.

  2. Ahh, it is a tie, though, I still got unsweetened coffee.
